physical illusion

physical illusion
   Also known as stimulus-distortion illusion. Both terms refer to an * illusion attributable to physical rather than neurophysiological or cognitive mechanisms. Some examples of physical illusions are the * mirage, the * rainbow, the * anthelic arc, the * anthelion, the * Brocken spectre, the * Ulloa circle, and the Moiré pattern. The term physical illusion is used in opposition to the terms * physiological illusion and *cognitive illusion. The term stimulus-distortion illusion is used in opposition to the term * perceiver-distortion illusion.
   Gregory, R.L. (1991). Putting illusions in their place. Perception, 20, 1-4.
   Ninio, J. (2001). The science of illusions'.Translated by Philip, F. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.

Dictionary of Hallucinations. . 2010.

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  • physiological illusion —    Also known as mechanism illusion and perceiver distortion illusion. All three terms refer to an *illusion attributable to neurophysiological rather than physical or cognitive mechanisms. Some well known examples of physiological illusions are… …   Dictionary of Hallucinations

  • stimulus-distortion illusion —    see physical illusion …   Dictionary of Hallucinations

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