mesencephalic hallucinosis

mesencephalic hallucinosis
   The term mesencephalic hallucinosis is indebted to the Greek words mesos (middle) and enkepha-los (that which is inside the head, i.e. the brain). It translates loosely as 'midbrain hallucination'. The term mesencephalic hallucination was proposed in 1937 in a posthumously published study by the Russian neuropsychologist and psychoanalyst Aron Borisovich Zalkind (18881936) to replace the older term "peduncular hallucinosis.
   Agadjanian, K. (1946). Le mécanisme des troubles perceptive-associatifs en rapport avec l'origine de l'hallucination et du délire. Étude physio-pathologique. Paris: J. Peyronnet et Cie.
   Zalkind, A.B. (1937). [Article in Russian] Neu-rologia i Psychatria,6.

Dictionary of Hallucinations. . 2010.

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