halucinari — Also written as alucinari. The Latin verb from which the term hallucination is derived. The terms halucinari and alucinari probably came into use in the first century AD. At the time, they had the connotation ofwandering mentally, being absent … Dictionary of Hallucinations
Hallucinate — Hal*lu ci*nate (h[a^]l*l[=u] s[i^]*n[=a]t), v. i. [L. hallucinatus, alucinatus, p. p. of hallucinari, alucinari, to wander in mind, talk idly, dream.] 1. To wander; to go astray; to err; to blunder; used of mental processes. [R.] Byron. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hallucination — Formerly known as hallucinatio, allucinatio, alucinatio, * alusia, * fallacia, * idolum, and *phantasma. Hallucination can be defined as a percept, experienced by a waking individual, in the absence of an appropriate stimulus from the… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
hallucinogen — Also known as hallucinogenic drug, hallucinogenic substance, magicum, pseudohallucinogen, illusinogen, mysticomimetic, phanerothyme, *psychedelic, psychedelic drug, psychedelic substance, psychotic, psychotomimetic, *phantasticum, and… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
paranoia hallucinatoria — The term paranoia hallucinatoria comes from the Greek noun paranoia (foolishness, madness) and the Latin verb alucinari (to wander mentally, to be absent minded). It is used to denote a paranoid delusional state which arises as a consequence… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
alucinar — (Del lat. alucinari.) ► verbo transitivo/ intransitivo/ pronominal 1 Causar una cosa una sensación ilusoria a una persona: ■ se alucinó con aquella potente luz. ► verbo transitivo/ intransitivo 2 Sorprender, asombrar: ■ me alucina su entereza.… … Enciclopedia Universal
halluzinogen — bewusstseinsverändernd; bewusstseinserweiternd; psychedelisch * * * hal|lu|zi|no|gen 〈Adj.〉 die Wirkung eines Halluzinogens betreffend, auf ihr beruhend * * * Hal|lu|zi|no|gen [lat. halucinari, alucinari = gedankenlos reden, faseln; ↑ gen], das;… … Universal-Lexikon
halluzinieren — hal|lu|zi|nie|ren 〈V. intr.; hat〉 eine Halluzination haben [<lat. (h)alucinari „ins Blaue hinein reden, faseln, träumen“] * * * hal|lu|zi|nie|ren <sw. V.; hat [lat. (h)al(l)ucinari = gedankenlos sein] (Fachspr.): eine Halluzination,… … Universal-Lexikon
halluciner — (al lu si né) v. a. Terme de médecine. Produire des hallucinations. S halluciner, v. réfl. Éprouver des hallucinations. ÉTYMOLOGIE Lat. hallucinari. La bonne orthographe, d après Freund, est alucinari, alucinatio, qu il rapproche avec… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
allucinare — al·lu·ci·nà·re v.tr. (io allùcino) CO 1. alterare la facoltà visiva facendo vedere ciò che non esiste 2. fig., ingannare, trarre in errore 3. fig., impressionare fortemente Sinonimi: sconvolgere. {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1612. ETIMO: dal lat.… … Dizionario italiano