alucinari — Also written as * halucinari, the Latin verb from which the term hallucination is derived. The terms alucinari and halucinari probably came into use during the first century AD. At the time, these words had the connotation of wandering… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
Hallucinationen — (vom lat. halucinari, faseln), jene Art von Sinnestäuschungen, besonders des Gesichts und Gehöres, die durch innere krankhafte Zustände erregt werden, so bei Geisteskranken, Schwärmern, bei hitzigen Fieberkranken, im Delirium tremens, wo die… … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
hallucination — Formerly known as hallucinatio, allucinatio, alucinatio, * alusia, * fallacia, * idolum, and *phantasma. Hallucination can be defined as a percept, experienced by a waking individual, in the absence of an appropriate stimulus from the… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
halluzinogen — bewusstseinsverändernd; bewusstseinserweiternd; psychedelisch * * * hal|lu|zi|no|gen 〈Adj.〉 die Wirkung eines Halluzinogens betreffend, auf ihr beruhend * * * Hal|lu|zi|no|gen [lat. halucinari, alucinari = gedankenlos reden, faseln; ↑ gen], das;… … Universal-Lexikon
ORATA Sergius — Romanus, a pisce cognomine (de quo vide supra in Aurata) similiter appellatus; teste Varrone de R. R. l. 3. c. 3. Quis (Maiorum nostrorum) habebat piscinam, nisi dulcem? et in ea duntaxat squalos atque mugiles pisces? Quis contra nunc Rhinton non … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
SOLIS Cubile — in Cerne Insul. Lycophroni, qui inde Auroram oriri facit, Τιθωνὸν εν κοίτῃσι τῆς Κέρνης πέλας Λιποῦσαν. Cascum maritum proxime Cernen insulam Toro relinquens. Quibus verbis Cernen ibi collocat, ubi omnes alii Veteres Chrysen, sub ipso Sole… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
hal|lu|ci|nate — «huh LOO suh nayt», verb, nat|ed, nat|ing. –v.t. 1. to affect with hallucinations. 2. to view or represent in the form of a hallucination: »No longer content with hallucinating his life story, he has to crack open his fantasies to see what is… … Useful english dictionary