Oppel illusion

Oppel illusion

Dictionary of Hallucinations. . 2010.

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  • Oppel-Kundt illusion —    Also known as Oppel illusion, filled space illusion, and filled/unfilled space illusion. The eponym Oppel Kundt illusion refers to the German physicists Johann Joseph Oppel (1815 1894) and August Adolph Eduard Eberhard Kundt (1839 1894), who… …   Dictionary of Hallucinations

  • ILLUSION — ILLUSI Métaphoriquement dérivé de la réduction psychologique des enchantements magiques et des découvertes de l’optique géométrique, couronnant, avec Kant, la critique relativiste de l’optimisme leibnizien, le concept moderne d’illusion a conquis …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Illusion optico-géométrique — ● Illusion optico géométrique erreur de la perception visuelle de figures géométriques, se manifestant chez les individus par une surestimation ou une sous estimation systématiques de longueur, de surface, de direction ou d incurvation des angles …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Illusion de Poggendorff — L illusion de Poggendorff est une illusion d optique baptisée ainsi en hommage au physicien Johann Christian Poggendorff qui l a découverte en 1860 suite à un courrier de Johann Karl Friedrich Zöllner lui présentant l illusion de Zollner[1 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • geometric-optical illusion —    The term geometric optical illusion is indebted to the Greek words geometria (land surveying) and opsis (seeing). It was introduced in or shortly    before 1854 by the German physicist Johann Joseph Oppel (1815 1894) to denote a *visual… …   Dictionary of Hallucinations

  • optical illusion —    The term optical illusion is used in a narrow and a broad sense. In the narrow sense, it denotes an illusion attributable to the optics of the eye. In the broad sense, it is used as an equivalent of the term visual illusion, denoting any… …   Dictionary of Hallucinations

  • Zöllner illusion — The Zöllner illusion is a classic optical illusion named after its discoverer, German astrophysicist Johann Karl Friedrich Zöllner. In 1860, Zöllner sent his discovery in a letter to physicist and scholar Johann Christian Poggendorff, editor of… …   Wikipedia

  • Aristotle's illusion —    The eponym Aristotle s illusion refers to the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384 322 BC), who appears to have been the first to describe the concomitant phenomenon in his books On dreams, Metaphysics,andProblems. The expression Aristotle s… …   Dictionary of Hallucinations

  • Poggendorff illusion — The Poggendorff Illusion is an optical illusion that involves the brain s perception of the interaction between diagonal lines and horizontal and vertical edges. It is named after Poggendorff, who discovered it in the drawing of Johann Karl… …   Wikipedia

  • Zöllner illusion —    The eponym Zöllner illusion refers to the German astrophysicist Johann Karl Friedrich Zöllner (1834 1882). It is used to denote a * geometric optical illusion in which parallel lines seem to diverge when one of the lines is intersected by… …   Dictionary of Hallucinations

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