photographic memory
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photographic memory — noun The ability to retain information or images in exact detail • • • Main Entry: ↑photography * * * noun, pl ⋯ ries [count] : an unusual ability to remember things completely and exactly as they were seen, read, etc. usually singular He is a… … Useful english dictionary
photographic memory — n if you have a photographic memory, you can remember exactly every detail of something you have seen … Dictionary of contemporary English
photographic memory — noun count the ability to remember all the details you see … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
photographic memory — /foʊtəˌgræfɪk ˈmɛmri/ (say fohtuh.grafik memree) noun the ability to remember things in great detail: *You could however hear the click as this gem went into the tape recorder of his photographic memory. –sutton woodfield, 1960 …
photographic memory — noun An eidetic memory; the ability to recall images, sounds, or objects in memory with great accuracy and in seemingly unlimited volume … Wiktionary
photographic memory — noun an ability to remember information or visual images in great detail … English new terms dictionary
photographic memory — UK / US noun [singular] the ability to remember all the details you see … English dictionary
photographic — 1839, from PHOTOGRAPH (Cf. photograph) + IC (Cf. ic). Photographic memory is from 1940 … Etymology dictionary
photographic — [fōt΄ə graf′ik] adj. 1. of or like a photograph or photography 2. used in or made by photography 3. retaining or recalling in precise detail [a photographic memory] photographically adv … English World dictionary
memory — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Retention of thought Nouns 1. memory, remembrance, retention, retentiveness, reminiscence, recognition, recurrence, recollection, retrospect, retrospection, afterthought; computer memory (see computers) … English dictionary for students