
   The term tritanomaly comes from the Greek words treis (three) and anomalia (anomaly, irregularity). It translates roughly as 'an irregularity in the ability to perceive the third of the primary colours' (i.e. blue). The term is used to denote a relatively rare type of "colour vision deficiency in which the ability to discriminate between blue and green, and between yellow and violet, is diminished but not absent. Patho-physiologically, tritanomaly is associated with a diminished sensitivity of the blue receptor mechanism. It is classified as an "anomalous trichro-matism, which itselfconstitutes one ofthe colour vision deficiencies. The term tritanomaly is used in opposition to the terms "protanomaly, and " deutanomaly.
   Hsia, Y., Graham, C.H. (1965). Color blindness. In: Visionandvisualperception.EditedbyGraham, C.H. New York, NY: Wiley. McIntyre, D. (2002). Colour blindness. Causes and effects. Chester, PA: Dalton Publishing.

Dictionary of Hallucinations. . 2010.

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