kine - ligh
- kinesthetic hallucination
- kinetic depth effect
- kinetopsia
- Koren helmet
- Kraepelin's definition of hallucinations and illusions
- Krafft-Ebing's definition of hallucinations
- Kundt's rule
- La Barre's definition of hallucinations
- La Barre's definition of illusions
- lady in the moon
- lateral mirage
- lattice
- laudanum and hallucinations
- laughing gas and hallucinations
- lavater's definition of hallucinations
- Leber's Congenital Amaurosis (LCA) and hallucinations
- lecanomancy
- Lee, Ann
- left size distortion
- Leibhafte Bewusstheit
- Lelong's definition of hallucinations
- Leubuscher's definition of hallucinations
- Lhermitte syndrome
- Lhermitte's definition of hallucinations
- Lhermitte's definition of illusions
- Lhermitte's hallucinosis