- irritative form of hallucinatory activity
- A term introduced in or shortly before 1973 by the American ophthalmologist David Glendenning Cogan (1908-1993) to denote a type of hallucinatory activity attributable to epileptiform (i.e. 'irritative') activity within the CNS. The ensuing hallucinations are referred to as " focal hallucinations. Cogan opposes the irritative form of hallucinatory activity to the "release form, in which hallucinations are designated as perceptual material released from 'lower' cerebral loci.ReferencesCogan, D.G. (1973). Visual hallucinations as release phenomena. Albrecht von Graefes Archiv für Klinische und Experimentelle Oph-thalmologie, 188, 139-150.
Dictionary of Hallucinations. J.D. Blom. 2010.