microptic vision

microptic vision
   see micropsia.

Dictionary of Hallucinations. . 2010.

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  • zoom vision —    A term used to denote a * visual illusion caused by a gradual change from regular visual perception to either macroptic or microptic vision. Macrop tic vision, or * macropsia, is a visual illusion characterized by a * magnification of objects… …   Dictionary of Hallucinations

  • micropsia —    Also known as micropsy, microptic vision, Lilliput sight, Lilliput vision, and lilliputianism, after the fictitious country featuring in the novel Gulliver s Travels by the Irish poet and author Jonathan Swift (1667 1745). The term micropsia… …   Dictionary of Hallucinations

  • pulsation phenomenon —    The term pulsation phenomenon is indebted to the Latin verb pulsare, which means to hit, to knock, to pulsate. It is used to denote the repeated magnification or minification of visually perceived objects. The pulsation phenomenon has been… …   Dictionary of Hallucinations

  • micropsia — microptic /muy krop tik/, adj. /muy krop see euh/, n. Ophthalm. a defect of vision in which objects appear to be smaller than their actual size. Also, micropia /muy kroh pee euh/, micropsy /muy krop see/. Cf. macropsia. [1895 1900; MICR + OPSIA]… …   Universalium

  • visual hallucination —    Also referred to as vision. Both terms are indebted to the Latin noun visio, which means sight. They are used to denote a hallucination of sight. Historically, visual hallucinations have been divided into a multitude of types. Using their… …   Dictionary of Hallucinations

  • hypnagogic hallucination —    Also known as hypnagogic imagery, hypnagogic reverie, hypnagogic illusion, hypnagogic visualization, presomnal sensation, predormital hallucination, anthypnic sensation, oneirogagic image, phantasma, vision of half sleep, and faces in the dark …   Dictionary of Hallucinations

  • lilliputian hallucination —    A term used to denote a hallucination featuring miniature individuals, animals, objects, or fantasy figures. The notion of lilliputian hallucination constitutes the logical and conceptual counterpart of the gulliverian hallucination. Both… …   Dictionary of Hallucinations

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