- auditory aura
- A term used to denote a type of "aura that manifests itself in the form of isolated " auditory hallucinations or " illusions. When an auditory hallucination or illusion occurs in conjunction with hallucinations in other sensory modalities, or with alterations in the sense of familiarity, it may -under certain conditions - be designated as a " psychic aura. Auditory aurae occurring in the context of epilepsy have been described since ancient times. One of the first modern descriptions stems from the Swiss physician Samuel Auguste André David Tissot (1728-1797), who in 1770 mentioned a case of combined " auditory and " visual hallucinations occurring in the context of epilepsy, described by an author named Peiroux. Like other types of auditory hallucinations, auditory aurae may present in the form of " verbal or " nonverbal auditory hallucinations, including " musical hallucinations. The mediation of auditory aurae is associated primarily with focal epileptic seizures affecting the superior temporal gyrus (i.e. with temporal lobe epilepsy) and with migraine.ReferencesTissot, S.A. (1770). Traité de l'épilepsie, faisant le tome troisième du traité des nerfs et de leur maladies. Lausanne: François Grasset.Karbowski, K. (1982). Auditive und vestibuläre Halluzinationen.In: Halluzinationen bei Epilepsien und ihre Differentialdiagnose. Edited by Karbowski, K. Bern: Verlag Hans Huber.Lüders, H., Acharya, J., Baumgartner, C., Banbadis, S., Bleasel, A., Burgess, R., Dinner, D.S., Ebner, A., Foldvary, N., Geller, E., Hamer, H., Holthausen, H., Kotagal, P., Morris, H., Meencke, H.J., Noachtar, S., Rosenow, F., Sakamotot, A., Steinhoff, B.J., Tuxhorn, I., Wyllie, E. (1998). Semiological seizure classification. Epilepsia, 39, 1006-1013.
Dictionary of Hallucinations. J.D. Blom. 2010.