- retinogenic phenomenon
- Also known as idioretinal phenomenon and idioretinal sensation. The term retinogenic phenomenon is indebted to the Latin noun retina (little net) and the Greek noun genesis (creation, origin). It is used to denote a " visual hallucination or "illusion, often "simple or " geometric in nature, which is attributed to a (physiological or pathological) process within the retina. Some examples of retinogenic phenomena are " afterimages, the Bjerrum scotoma, the "idioretinal light, "Haidinger's brushes, and " phosphenes mediated by the retina. Retino-genic phenomena are classified as "entoptic phenomena.ReferencesZuckerman, M. (1969). Hallucinations, reported sensations, and images.In: Sensory deprivation: Fifteen years ofresearch. Edited by Zubek, J.P. New York, NY: Appleton-Century-Crofts.
Dictionary of Hallucinations. J.D. Blom. 2010.