
   The term scotomization comes from the Greek noun skotos (darkness). In the older literature it is used as a synonym for the term *negative hallucination. Both terms are used to denote the failure to perceive an object or stimulus that is present within one's range of perception. The term scotomization was introduced in or shortly before 1926 by the French psychoanalysts Edouard Pichon (1890-1940) and René Laforgue (1894-1962). In psychoanalytic theory, the term scotomization is used to denote the tendency to ignore, or to be blind to, certain impulses or memories, especially those experienced as a threat to the individual's ego.
   Pichon, E., Laforgue, R. (1926). La nevrose et la rêve: la notion de schizanoïa. In: Le rêve et la psychanalyse. Edited by Laforgue, R. Paris: Grande Librairie Médicale A. Maloine.

Dictionary of Hallucinations. . 2010.

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