
(470-399 BC)
   An eminent Greek philosopher who may have experienced * verbal auditory hallucinations. Socrates did not leave any writings known to us today, but as recounted by Plato (c. 428-347BC) in the Theages, he heard a voice which he attributed to his daimonion, a benign spirit which purportedly accompanied him from an early age, and told him what not to do in important situations.
   Leudar, I., Thomas, P. (2000). Voices ofreason, voices ofinsanity. Studies ofverbal hallucinations. London: Routledge.
   Plato (1927). Charmides, Alcibiades 1 & 2, Hip-parchus, The lovers, Theages, Minos, Epinomis. Translated by Lamb, W.R.M. Loeb Classical Library No. 201. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Dictionary of Hallucinations. . 2010.

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