- somatosensory aura
- Also known as somaesthetic aura. The term somatosensory aura comes from the Greek noun soma (body), and the Latin words sensorium (seat of the senses, brain), and aura (wind, smell). It is used to denote a type of * aura consisting of an abnormal somatosensory percept (i.e. a *somatic hallucination) experienced within a clearly defined region of the body. The most prevalent symptoms of somatosensory aurae are * paraesthesias. Other symptoms, such as pain, *thermal hallucinations, *abdominal aurae, * splitting of the body image, and other * body schema illusions, are less common. As a rule, vague and poorly localized somatosen-sory percepts are not regarded as somatosensory aurae, being relegated to the group of 'unclassifi-able auras'.ReferencesLüders, H., Acharya, J., Baumgartner, C., Banbadis, S., Bleasel, A., Burgess, R., Dinner, D.S., Ebner, A., Foldvary, N., Geller, E., Hamer, H., Holthausen, H., Kotagal, P., Morris, H., Meencke, H.J., Noachtar, S., Rosenow, F., Sakamotot, A., Steinhoff, B.J., Tuxhorn, I., Wyllie, E. (1998). Semiological seizure classification. Epilepsia, 39, 1006-1013.
Dictionary of Hallucinations. J.D. Blom. 2010.