
   Also known as blue-yellow colour blindness, tritan colour blindness, and tritan colour deficiency. The term tritanopia comes from the Greek words treis (three), an (not), and opsis (seeing). It translates roughly as 'not being able to see the third of the primary colours' (i.e. blue). It is used to denote a type of "colour vision deficiency characterized by an inability to discriminate between blue and green, and between yellow and violet. Tritanopia is a rare condition, whose lifetime prevalence is estimated at around 1:10,000. Etiologically, it is attributed to an autosomal disorder linked to chromosome 7. As a consequence, the condition affects males and females in equal measure. Due to this chromosomal anomaly, the short-wavelength cones (or S-cones) in the retina are missing. As a consequence, the resulting colour vision deficiency is absolute. When the S-cones are present but malfunctioning, the colour vision deficiency may be relative rather than absolute. It is then referred to as "tritanomaly. Tritanopia is classified as a "dichromatism, which itself constitutes one of the colour vision deficiencies. The term tritanopia is used in opposition to the terms "protanopia and " deuteranopia.
   Hsia, Y., Graham, C.H. (1965). Color blindness. In: Vision and visualperception.Edited by Graham, C.H. New York, NY: Wiley. McIntyre, D. (2002). Colour blindness. Causes and effects. Chester, PA: Dalton Publishing.

Dictionary of Hallucinations. . 2010.

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  • tritanopia — tritanopia. См. тританопия. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) …   Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.

  • Tritanopia — La tritanopia es una disfunción visual relacionada con la percepción del color. Consiste en la carencia de sensibilidad al color azul, denominada también dicromacia azul. Se trata de una de las alteraciones de la visión cromática menos frecuentes …   Wikipedia Español

  • tritanopía — Eng. Tritanopia Ceguera para el color azul. Tritanopsia …   Diccionario de oftalmología

  • tritanopia — tritanopic /truyt n op ik/, adj. /truyt n oh pee euh/, n. Ophthalm. a defect of vision in which the retina fails to respond to blue and yellow. [ < NL, equiv. to trit ( < Gk trítos THIRD) + an AN 1 + opia OPIA] * * * …   Universalium

  • tritanopia — noun A form of color blindness. The persons retina does not respond to the blue color, due to lack of blue cone opsins …   Wiktionary

  • tritanopia — Deficient color perception in which there is an absence of blue sensitive pigment in the retinal cones. [G. tritos, third, + an priv. + ops, eye] * * * trit·an·opia .trīt ən ō pē ə, .trit n dichromatism in which the spectrum is seen in tones of… …   Medical dictionary

  • Tritanopia — Disfunción visual relacionada con la percepción del color. Consiste en la carencia de sensibilidad al color azul, denominada también dicromacia azul. Se trata de una de las alteraciones de la visión cromática menos frecuentes y se produce cuando… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • tritanopia — tri·ta·no·pì·a s.f. TS med. in oculistica, incapacità di percepire il violetto, terzo colore fondamentale dello spettro {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1961. ETIMO: der. di trito e opia con an …   Dizionario italiano

  • tritanopia — n. condition in which a person s retina does not respond to the colors blue or yellow …   English contemporary dictionary

  • tritanopia — [ˌtrɪtə nəʊpɪə] noun a rare form of colour blindness resulting from insensitivity to blue light, causing confusion of greens and blues. Compare with protanopia, deuteranopia. Origin early 20th cent.: from Gk tritos third (referring to blue as the …   English new terms dictionary

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