verbal hallucination

verbal hallucination
   Also known as phonemic hallucination. The origin of the term verbal hallucination is unknown, but it was used by classic authors such as the French psychiatrist Louis Jules Ernest Séglas (1856-1939) and the German neurologist and psychiatrist Kurt Goldstein (1878-1965) to denote a hallucination conveying words, either in an audible form (as in the * verbal auditory hallucination), an inaudible form (as in the * psychomotor verbal hallucination), an actual spoken form (i.e. the *motor hallucination), or a written form (i.e. the * visual verbal hallucination). Goldstein conceptualizes speech as consisting of an auditory component and a motor component, which may be activated either simultaneously or separately. Today the term verbal hallucination is used sometimes in a rather loose sense as an equivalent for the term verbal auditory hallucination. It features prominently in the 1974 Present State Examination (PSE) schedule. The PSE lists as subclasses of the verbal hallucination the * affective (or non-specific) verbal hallucination, and the *non-affective verbal hallucination. The term verbal hallucination is used in opposition to the term *nonverbal hallucination.
   Goldstein, K. (1908). Zur Theorie der Hallucina-tionen. Studien über normale und pathologische Wahrnehmung. Archiv für Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten, 44, 1036-1106.
   Séglas, J. (1892). Des troubles du langage chez les aliénés. Paris: J. Rueffet Cie.
   Wing, J.K., Cooper, J.E., Sartorius, N. (1974). The measurement and classification of psychiatric symptoms. An instruction manual for the PSE and Catego Program. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Dictionary of Hallucinations. . 2010.

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