whole body macrosomatognosia
- whole body macrosomatognosia
Also referred to as
total body macrosomatognosia. Both terms are used to denote a type of * macrosomatognosia in which the whole body is experienced as disproportionally large. They are used in opposition to the term *partial macroso-matognosia.
Podoll, K., Robinson, D. (2000). Macrosomatognosia and microsomatognosia in migraine art. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 101, 413-416.
Dictionary of Hallucinations.
J.D. Blom.
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total body macrosomatognosia — see whole body macrosomatognosia … Dictionary of Hallucinations
whole body microsomatognosia — Also referred to as total body microsomatognosia. Both terms are used to denote a type of * microsomatognosia in which the whole body is experienced as disproportionally small. They are used in opposition to the term *partial microso… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
macrosomatognosia — The term macrosomatognosia comes from the Greek words makros (large), soma (body), and gnosis (insight). It translates roughly to experiencing the body as larger . The term was introduced in or shortly before 1963 by the Dutch neurologist… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
body schema illusion — Also known as body schema disturbance, *somato éidolie, *disorder of corporeal awareness, illusion of corporeal transformation, and illusion of corporeal displacement. All six terms are used to denote an illusory change in the size, relation,… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
partial macrosomatognosia — A term used to denote a type of *macro somatognosia in which one or more body parts are experienced as disproportionally large. The term is used in opposition to * whole body macrosomatognosia and * total body macrosomatognosia. References… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
inhalants and hallucinations — The term inhalant comes from the Latin verb inhalare, which means to breathe into. It is used to denote a group of volatile substances used for industrial purposes, and widely misused for their hallucinogenic and other psychoactive properties … Dictionary of Hallucinations
toluene-induced hallucination — Toluene is also known as methylbenzene and phenylmethane. The name toluene refers to tolu balsam, an aromatic extract from the tropical tree Myroxylon balsamum. The name tolu balsam, in turn, is named after Santiago de Tolü, a town in Colombia … Dictionary of Hallucinations
microsomatognosia — The term microsomatognosia comes from the Greek words mikros (small), soma (body), and gnosis (insight). It translates roughly as experiencing the body as smaller . The term was introduced in or shortly before 1963 by the Dutch neurologist… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
partial microsomatognosia — A term used to denote a type of *micro somatognosia in which one or more body parts are experienced as disproportionally small. The term is used in opposition to *whole body microsomatognosia and * total body microso matognosia. References… … Dictionary of Hallucinations