
   Also known as yellow vision and yellowish vision. The term xanthopsia comes from the Greek words xanthos (yellow) and opsis (seeing). It is used to denote a *chromatopsia (i.e. a temporary aberration of colour vision) in which whites are seen as yellowish and blues as less intense. Pathophysiologically, xanthopsia is associated primarily with changes in the eye's lens system. Etiologically, it is associated primarily with cataract, and with systemic exposure to therapeutics such as thiazides, sulphonamides, barbiturates, digitalis, and picric acid. In classic references xanthopsia is also attributed to jaundice and to hysteria. Xanthopsia tends to be classified as an *entoptic phenomenon. The term is used in opposition to the terms *cyanopsia (blue vision), *chloropsia (green vision), *erythropsia (red vision), and *ianothiopsia (violet or purple vision).
   Lawrenson, J.G., Kelly, C., Lawrenson, A.L., Birch, J. (2002). Acquired colour vision deficiency in patients receiving digoxin maintenance therapy. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 86, 1259-1261.
   Pinckers, A., Cruysberg, J.R.M., Liem, T.A. (1989). Chromatopsia. Documenta Ophthalmologic, 72, 385-390.

Dictionary of Hallucinations. . 2010.

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  • Xanthopsia — refers to the predominance of yellow in vision due to a yellowing of the optic media of the eye. The most common cause is digoxin toxicity and the development of cataracts which can cause a yellow filtering effect. It has been suggested that… …   Wikipedia

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