
   The term cacosmia comes from the Greek words kakos (bad, unpleasant) and osmè (smell, stink, fragrant, odour, scent, perfume). It translates as 'bad smell'. The term cacosmia is used to denote an * olfactory hallucination or illusion presenting in the form of an unpleasant odour. Some examples of cacosmia are the odours of burning flesh, faeces, garlic, rotting fish, rotting eggs, vomit, and garbage. Cacosmia is often associated with - and confused with - * cacogeusia. Cacos-mia is classified as one of the *chemosensory disorders. The term is used in opposition to the term * agathosma (i.e. 'good smell'). When cacosmia takes the form of an * olfactory hallucination experienced as emanating from the oral cavity, the term * hallucinated halitosis applies.
   Ackerman, B.H., Kasbekar, N. (1997). Disturbances of taste and smell induced by drugs. Pharmacotherapy, 17, 482-496.
   Schiffman, S.S., Gatlin, C.A. (1993). Clinical physiology of taste and smell. Annual Review of Nutrition, 13, 405-436.

Dictionary of Hallucinations. . 2010.

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