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musical illusion — Also referred to as audio illusion. Both terms are used to denote a paradoxical * auditory illusion created with the aid of musical sounds. The British American cognitive psychologist Diana Deutsch designed and published many musical illusions … Dictionary of Hallucinations
Diana Deutsch — (* 1938 in London) ist eine englische Psychologin, die besonders durch Beiträge zur Musikpsychologie hervor getreten ist. Sie erforscht u. a. die Wahrnehmung und das Gedächtnis für Klänge, insbesondere für Musik, absolutes Gehör,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Diana Deutsch — (born February 15, 1938, London, England) is a British American perceptual and cognitive psychologist, born in London, England. She is currently Professor of Psychology at the University of California, San Diego, and is one of the most prominent… … Wikipedia