- central tinnitus
- A term used to denote a type of *tinnitus (i.e. 'ringing in the ears') attributed to a lesion affecting a part of the central auditory pathways. The term central tinnitus is used in opposition to the terms *otic (or * peripheral) tinnitus, and *somatic tinnitus. As part of a different tripar-tition, the term central tinnitus is also used in opposition to the terms *conductive tinnitus and *sensorineural tinnitus. Today tinnitus tends to be conceptualized as a condition that is mediated and sustained by central neural networks, even though in many cases it would seem to be triggered by peripheral pathology.ReferencesHenry, J.A., Dennis, K.C., Schechter, M.A. (2005). General review oftinnitus. Prevalence, mechanisms, effects, and management. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 48, 1204-1235.Vernon, J.A., Sanders, B.T. (2001). Tinnitus. Questions and answers. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Dictionary of Hallucinations. J.D. Blom. 2010.