fortification figure
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fortification spectrum — Also known as fortification figure, fortification of Vauban, geometrical spectrum, herringbone, flittering scotoma, Norman arch, scintillating scotoma, telehopsia, and teichopsia. The introduction of the term fortification spectrum is commonly … Dictionary of Hallucinations
fortification of vauban — Also known as fortification figure, fortification spectrum, flittering scotoma, geometrical spectrum, herringbone, Norman arch, scintillating scotoma, telehopsia, and teichopsia. The introduction of the eponym fortification of Vauban stems… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
fortification — [ fɔrtifikasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1360; lat. fortificatio, de fortis « fort » 1 ♦ Action de fortifier une place, de la munir d ouvrages défensifs. Travailler à la fortification d une position clé. 2 ♦ (XVe) Souvent plur. Ouvrage défensif, ou ensemble des … Encyclopédie Universelle
figure — 1. A form or shape. 2. A person representing the essential aspects of a particular role ( e.g., relating to one s male boss as a father f. or to one s female teacher as a mother f.). 3. A form, shape, outline, or representation of an object or … Medical dictionary
scintillating scotoma — Also known as flittering scotoma, fortification spectrum, fortification figure, fortification of Vauban, geometrical spectrum, herringbone, Norman arch, telehopsia, and teichopsia. The term scintillating scotoma is indebted to the Latin noun… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
teichopsia — Also known as fortification spectrum, fortification figure, fortification of Vauban, geometrical spectrum, herringbone, Norman arch, scintillating scotoma, and flittering scotoma. The term teichopsia comes from the Greek words teichos (wall),… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
polygone — (po li go n ) s. m. 1° Terme de géométrie. Figure qui a plusieurs angles et plusieurs côtés. • Le cercle, l ellipse, et généralement toute figure régulière ou irrégulière, curviligne, se peut considérer comme un polygone d un nombre infini de … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
POLYGONE — adj. des deux genres T. de Géom. Qui a plusieurs angles et plusieurs côtés. Une forteresse de figure polygone. Il est aussi substantif masculin. Cette figure est un polygone régulier, un polygone irrégulier. Les côtés, les angles d un polygone … Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 7eme edition (1835)
Europe, history of — Introduction history of European peoples and cultures from prehistoric times to the present. Europe is a more ambiguous term than most geographic expressions. Its etymology is doubtful, as is the physical extent of the area it designates.… … Universalium
JERUSALEM — The entry is arranged according to the following outline: history name protohistory the bronze age david and first temple period second temple period the roman period byzantine jerusalem arab period crusader period mamluk period … Encyclopedia of Judaism