hallucinatory halitosis

hallucinatory halitosis
   Also designated as delusional halitosis and imaginary halitosis. All three terms are indebted to the Latin noun halitus (breath), and the word ending -osis (disease, condition). The term hallucinatory halitosis is used to denote a perceived halitosis (i.e. oral malodour or foetor oris) that is based on * olfactory or * gustatory hallucinations. When the affected individual merely imagines having a foul breath, without actually experiencing * cacosmia or * cacogeusia, the terms delusional halitosis and imaginary halitosis would appear more appropriate. In the literature, however, all three terms tend to be used as if they were synonyms. When the affected individual believes that the foul odour emanates from his or her own body, the term *intrinsic olfactory hallucination applies. The term * olfactory reference syndrome is used when there is no insight into the hallucinatory nature of the foul odour or when the affected individual develops delusions of reference on the basis of this symptom, to the extent that he believes persons in his environment are showing subtle signs of aversion or disgust. Pathophysio-logically, hallucinatory halitosis is associated primarily with aberrant neurophysiological activity in the uncinate gyrus of the temporal lobe. Eti-ologically, it is associated primarily with focal epileptic seizures.
   Iwu, C.O., Akpata, O. (1989). Delusional halitosis. Review of the literature and analysis of 32 cases. British Dental Journal, 167, 294-296.

Dictionary of Hallucinations. . 2010.

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