
   Also known as deuteranomaly and anomalous trichromatic deuteranopia. All three terms are indebted to the Greek words deuteros (second), and anomalia (anomaly, irregularity). They translate roughly as 'an irregularity in the ability to perceive the second of the primary colours (i.e. green)'. The introduction of the term has been attributed to the German ophthalmologist and physiologist Willibald A. Nagel (1870-1911), the inventor of the Nagel anomaloscope (used in colour vision testing). Phenomenologically, deu-tanomaly presents in the form of a reduced sensitivity to greens. Pathophysiologically it is associated with a diminished sensitivity ofthe retina's green receptor mechanism. Deutanomaly is classified as an * anomalous trichromatism, which itself constitutes one of the * colour vision deficiencies. The term deutanomaly is used in opposition to * protanomaly and * tritanomaly.
   Hsia, Y., Graham, C.H. (1965). Color blindness. In: Vision and visual perception.Editedby Graham, C.H. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.
   Nagel, W.A. (1898). Beiträge zur Diagnostik, Symptomatologie und Statistik der angeborenen Farbenblindheit. Archiv für Augenheilkunde, 38, 31-66.
   McIntyre, D. (2002). Colour blindness. Causes and effects. Chester: Dalton Publishing.

Dictionary of Hallucinations. . 2010.

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